Transport Malta has unveiled a new grant scheme aimed at encouraging private enterprises to take stock of their transport situation, set targets for greener travel, and implement actions to achieve them.
The initiative, which has €150,000 earmarked for it, will take the form of a reimbursed contribution, and will be split in three categories: €24,000 for large enterprises, €15,000 for medium enterprises, and €10,000 for small and micro enterprises. Three grants in each category are up for grabs.
Business are required to present a two-year action plan with a consideration of at least two different alternative modes of mobility in the first year and an additional mode the following year, and must partner up with a service provider.
The scheme’s guidelines note: “Data has shown that the majority of trips are for commuting purposes and the majority of trips are done by drivers in their private car with no accompanying passengers. This shows that there is ample room for ameliorating the transport system and driving it towards greater efficiency and sustainability.”
Transport Malta continued: “In view of the current common practice of single car user travel for work purposes, this initiative aims to encourage private companies to challenge such behaviour at the benefit of both the employer and the employee.”
It says the scheme aims at “accelerating the acceptance of sustainable mobility services within the local transport culture and introducing companies to the concept of using third party services for the mobility needs of their business, ultimately reducing transport related emissions and contribute to Malta’s vision of the decarbonisation of transport”.
Examples of eligible incentives under the scheme include measures to support employees to walk or cycle to work, to use public transport, that introduce shared mobility and micromobility services, and that introduce technology to “drastically reduce” the need for commuting to and from the offices, both by employees and customers.
Measures, the rules note, could also be related to infrastructure or facilities supporting the above.
To apply and benefit from the fund, applicants need to provide an overview of where they stand at present, including information on their offices’ locations, employee modal split, and existing facilities, as well as what they would like to achieve and how they intend to meet their objectives.
Applicants are also invited to consider alternatives such as teleworking, flexible or hybrid working hours and the use of technology to decrease the necessity for daily commuting by employees.
Companies interested in developing a green travel plan can download the applications from here. Applications are to be submitted to by not later than 15th October 2022.
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